Okay, so over the many years of fitting vehicle security there is not many people that want both an alarm and additonal security locks. We believe this is down to personal preference and beliefs on what actually works, heard horror story, knowledge etc over the cost of the alarm.
You will get your vehicle owner that prefers alarms, there argument will be that by the time somebody has noticed any noise or wrong doing with thieves attacking the locks they will be in and off with your tools without being noticed. On the flip side you will get your Van locks guy stating nobody listens to alarms even when they go off whether it be domestic or Automotive and the manufacturers locks are that easy to gain entry to why would you not put another source of physical security in its way? More often then not people that have been broken into like to put all they can on with the haunting of another loss over there heads. With arguments for both side is there a right and a wrong? We believe strongly in layers, I know, I know we sound like a broken record. The more layers the more chance you have of keeping the valuables your trying to secure right? As anything, it all boils down to budget, you have to prioritise. With the average thatcham approved alarm costing the same as a high security lock package its either one or the other for your average tradesman, with either been better by far than nothing in place which benefits would stick out to you more if you had to choose?
Benefits of the two
Visible Detterent
The van locks have a decent presence and with the bright flashing LED status light of the alarm usually seen on or around the windscreen of the cab area, although we have made such a status with some of the discreet places we have put the LEDs from front to rear visibility. You do not have to have just the one!
Peel Protection
We fit the van locks as high as physically possible to protect against such attacks. We can also fit additional pin switches to the top of the doors to trigger the alarm when as little as your finger ends peer over the them, a really nice discreet protection if you are more inclined to say like some do”if they see the van locks they are going to think there is something worth having”.
Panel Protection
If the panel is pierced or banged on more often then not (alarm choice dependant) the alarm will trigger, whereas the locks are door protection.
Door Protection
Both are great security items. If a door is opened the alarm will trigger but more often then not that door open often say they will all open meaning the valuable placed with the cargo area will be gone within seconds. The locks more specifically the hooklocks will put up more of an engaged attack for such attacks like crowbars and peeling.
Window Protection
It goes without saying the locks will not protect against a smashed panel but what they will protect against is somebody smashing a panel to then try pull the internal handle which does not often work as the manufacturers locks are deadlocked. If a pane is smashed the alarm will trigger immediately
Tool Theft Statistics
With tool theft up by 30+% and Yorkshire and West Midlands been the worst hit do not be ‘that guy’ that does not move forward with security knowing this. It is not a sales pitch the stats are all over the internet and more often then not all over then news. Over 7 years ago when we started Solutionz (Bradford) Ltd there was not that urge to secure vans which van locks really, its only over the last 2 maybe 3 years that the crime epidemic has got out of hand. Items are manufactured to repair or replace destructive entries, unfortunately, by the time these are produced savvy thieves have moved onto the next destructive entry.
Top 10 Worst Hit Areas in 2017
Top Tips for Van Security
Can you store your tools inside? If you are parked in a Hotel Car Park try to take out your tools after your days work. If you are parked away from the sight in a multistory car park try put your tools on site in a lock box for the day
When Parking try to keep in a well-lit busy area rather then dark unknown area.
Probably the easiest one this, mark all your tools with an engraver or ultraviolet pen. Try something unique like your postcode over initials
Are you insured? A question most tragedies do not know the answer to unless they have taken out additional insurance. Do not always presume your household insurance will cover the tools, CHECK.
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